Rightouch Family Development is a program that utilizes programs and services to equip and transform disadvantage youth and their families. The value of individual achievement is critical to development. All participants will engage in activities that involve leadership, community service, entrepreneurship, social skills, advanced education and career exploration. Participants will develop a sense of belonging through various activities and interactions.
Rightouch Family Development has been in existence since 2001. We have been in the forefront of youth and family development through our work with youth and families from disadvantaged economic, social, and family circumstances. We are dedicated to ensuring that our community’s youth are exposed to quality programs and services that will enhance their lives and shape their futures.
Social and emotional development, academic development, physical development and performing arts development are the areas of growth essential for the youth and their families to reach their potential. Our program's goal is to:
Develop a positive learning environment
Serve as a positive role model among its members
Be enthusiastic, flexible and creative
Motivate and support young people
Be aware of youth and family needs and characteristics
Rightouch Family Development offers:
A safe and structured environment
Caring adult staff
Programs and services that address identified needs and interests
Opportunities to participate in physical activities
Development of competence and achievement
Opportunity for creative expression through performing arts
Positive interaction with peers and adults
Meaningful participation
Rightouch Family Development offers a sense of belonging, competence, usefulness, and influence that builds self-confidence and self-esteem. It is our desire to equip all participants with qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders.